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Run Program Problems

Posted by ninj4n33r 
Run Program Problems
February 22, 2004 01:07PM
In Global Actions, I am trying to create a new action/command that will activte my ISP whenever I make a symbol. Now, I can get everything set up, with the action set correctly, the Run- Run Program set, and the location of the .exe set, and as long as I keep that command open it will work fine, but once I change what I am looking at and try to run it again, it doesn't work. When I go back and look at the information I set it is replaced with random characters, and not just where the file name goes, but in all the open places. This problem has occured with every action I have created and bound to a new program. I need help! What's going on? Is it a virus? Is it the fact that I am running Windows ME (yes, I know that's bad no matter what)? I really like StrokeIt and please help me get it working. Thanks!

Re: Run Program Problems
February 22, 2004 01:24PM
Try the .9.3 preview: [url=http://www.tcbmi.com/strokeit/forum/read.php?f=3&i=834&t=834]http://www.tcbmi.com/strokeit/forum/read.php?f=3&i=834&t=834[/url]

If it's still not working for you, let me know exactly what text you're using with the Run Program command.

-- Jeff
Re: Run Program Problems
February 23, 2004 07:18PM
Ive experienced this as well.
Re: Run Program Problems
February 23, 2004 07:21PM
how do you make a gesture that will run a program... Say a game like Warcraft 3 or Counterstrike i cant get it to do that....
Re: Run Program Problems
February 23, 2004 08:09PM
Still doesnt work with the .93 preview
Bill C
Re: Run Program Problems
February 24, 2004 11:20AM
I'm also having the same problem opening an app.
Alex N.
Re: Run Program Problems
April 16, 2004 12:18AM
I had the same problem running a program. I just kept browsing for the file, again and again.

After about a zillion tries, it stayed how I configured it. I don't know what I did exactly, but you should try wiping out the action/command and do it over again. If is still dosen't work, try rebooting.

BTW, I have XP, so it has nothing to do with ME.

Re: Run Program Problems
April 20, 2004 09:46AM
I have got this problem as well.
With Windows 2000 SP4. Simplified Chinese.
Re: Run Program Problems
April 20, 2004 01:25PM
looks pretty much like my bug report I filed yesterday. Depends on renaming the newly created commands/actions. If you omit that, strange chars occur. Solution: directly rename the newly created actions/commands

Re: Run Program Problems
May 01, 2004 05:55PM
Are you talking about Command "Run - Run Program"? If so, make sure you set the Run dropdown box to Normal Window, Maximized, or Minimized. If you leave it blank the program fails to start. Other than this, I have had no problems running programs with gestures.
Re: Run Program Problems
September 20, 2004 01:24PM
What is the run program command for Microsoft Word? I would really like to know and my teacher wont tell me.
Michael Kairys
Re: Run Program Problems
September 22, 2004 05:50AM
Depends which version. For me, with Office XP, it's "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\winword.exe"

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