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Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file

Posted by amit 
Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file
May 06, 2012 02:58AM
I keep adding new actions frequently, so I need a way to sync those across different computers. I was thinking of using dropbox but I found that there are four config files and I am not sure which to use.
I don't want to sync the gestures counter or the gestures but I need to sync all actions and applications.
Re: Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file
May 06, 2012 11:21PM
For me, the configuration files are in ...\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\TCB Networks\StrokeIt\Actions

You can check this by adding an action named something like "testqqq" to your Global application in Stroke It the normal way, then open Default.cfg in a text editor and search for "testqqq". If it is there, you're looking at the right file (Global actions are in Default.cfg).

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2012 11:23PM by Cerberus.
Re: Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file
May 10, 2012 05:19PM
Ah I see. Actions is also applications. By the way, where is the counter stored?
Re: Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file
May 11, 2012 06:55AM
Hmm no idea, sorry. You would have to experiment.
Re: Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file
May 11, 2012 07:18AM
In case you use it in portable mode you can find it at UsageCount in the ini file (StrokeIt.ini). Otherwise it is probably stored in the registry. Try searching for the string UsageCount using Regedit.

Oh, I see you're a moderator now, Cerberus. Congrats ;)
Re: Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file
May 21, 2012 10:51PM
Thanks! It is an honour, even though I don't use SI any more on my main computer. I guess it was because I reported spam for a while. You should be a moderator too.
Re: Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file
May 22, 2012 02:06AM
Yes, those dental and golf club spams are quite annoying. From time to time I dream about applying the latter to the programmer of the bot posting them so that he needs the services mentioned in the former :)
Re: Storing strokeit config on dropbox. Location of config file
May 22, 2012 06:22PM
Haha, yes. I also think spammers' insinuations about the genitals of their recipients are generally projection.

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