Disabled applications

Shorthand is automatically disabled for gestures inside the application windows of Windows Journal and Microsoft OneNote.

To see a list of other programs in which Shorthand is disabled, tap Disabled Apps in the Shorthand Command Editor window.

A current list of the disabled applications is shown in the Application Identifiers pane.

For a list of additional disabled applications, see Additional disabled applications.

To disable Shorthand in an application:

  1. Open the Command Editor by selecting Start > All Programs > Shorthand, or by tapping the Shorthand icon  in the System Tray.
  2. In the left pane of the Command Editor window, select Disabled Apps
  3. In the right pane, below Application Identifiers, tap Add
  4. Drag the Finder Tool icon into the window of the application that you want to disable.
    The name of the application that will be disabled is shown in the box (see the following example, where the Adobe Acrobat application is disabled for gestures).


  1. Tap OK.

    The application name is added to the list of Disabled Apps in the Command Editor window.

For information about pre-defined gestures, see Predefined gestures.

For information about adding a gesture, see Global gestures and Local gestures.

For information about creating a new gesture, see Creating a new gesture.

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